Stéphanie Sap

Perlan BV / Vakantie te paard ®


Ontzorging van de reiziger, duurzaam ondernemen en blijvend bijleren dit houdt een bedrijf in de ...

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Hamadouche Tony

Voyages Copine SA.


En tant que leader wallon des agences de voyage indépendantes, délivrer un service de qualité à ...

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Draouil Houda

Brussels Airport

Travel Intelligence Report

Those reports offers us several advantages. Firstly it provides us a comprehensive overview and anal ...

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Elsen Stijn

Joker Toerisme


Verandering start met het bijbrengen van begrip en waardering, zowel in de sector als bij de klant. ...

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Samson Sylvia

De Buck Agency NV/SA

Travel Intelligence Report

J'ai suivi une formation en marketing. Les enseignements tirés du parcours client ont été int ...

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Bouckaert Frank

De Buck Agency NV/SA

Belgian Travel Academy

We were very impressed by the quality of the content and format of the trainings! The teachers are ...

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Dechamps Frederic

Brussels Airlines

Travel Intelligence Report

We are extremely happy to have access to reliable market data, highlighting relevant behaviors an ...

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Pirard Fabian



De notre côté le label Certa, nous a surtout permis :

  • De nous aider d ...

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De Block Ben



The CERTA label is pushing en helping you to stay up-to-date with all different issues. It's grea ...

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Lambert Jean-François



Europ’Aventure est labelisée CERTA depuis 2020. Pour une petite agence de voyage en ligne comme l ...

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Belgian Travel Confederation


Who we are

The BTC now unites the two sister associations, the UPAV (Professional Union of Travel Agencies) and the VVR (Vlaamse Vereniging reisbureaus), which initiated the project. The BTC aims to attract other associations in the sector, because "there is strength in numbers".


What we do

We are now concentrating on four projects that we feel are essential: further training, analysis and provision of data, and sustainability. Finally, we are reintroducing labelling under a name that is already familiar to the sector, CERta (CErtified Travel Agent).



In this tab, you can find out what is being said about us, as well as our press releases and other news. Don't hesitate to contact us, we are here for you. 



Announced to the sector on 19 October 2021, the BTC was legally born on 6 April 2022. Since 1 September 2022, a dedicated team is officially in charge of the development of the selected projects.


Projects & Programs

Our projects are in line with the regional, national and European post-covid recovery plans: further training, data collection and analysis, sustainability and labelling.


The CERTA label

The CERTA label is a recognition of both the public and private sectors. Travellers have the security of knowing that they are dealing with professionals who want to offer the best. 

Who do we address?

Tour operator

Tour operator

The tour operator takes care of organising the trip from A to Z. Transport, accommodation, visits... Everything is planned and sold as a package. The tour operator offers classic trips but also tailor-made trips. 

Agences de voyages

Travel Agency

The travel agency advises the client on the destination and type of trip desired. It also explains and reassures. It will sell a package from a tour operator or decide to put it together itself, depending on the traveller's request and its expertise. 



A traveller can be a tourist - the intention of the trip is to discover, rest, meet local people -. They may also travel for work or because of family obligations. The purpose of travel is multiple. 

The BTC in figures


Date of creation


Self-employed and employees in the leisure travel sector


trainings per year